Monday, May 3, 2010


Hot or Cold?

How engaged are you and your team? Are you:

Hot with passion,
Lukewarm with complacency
Cold with apathy

It’s an important question to ask because hot and highly engaged people deliver superior results. Luke warm people settle for mediocrity. And cold employees will ruin your team and organization.

Think of your culture as a big pot of soup with everyone in your organization stirring the pot with a spoon. The most important ingredient is the energy that each person shares while stirring the pot. This energy determines the temperature of your soup and the temperature is a key factor in determining how good it tastes.

After all, hot soup is delicious. No one likes lukewarm soup. And cold soup is gross. :)

In order to create great soup you need to focus on building a team of engaged, energized, passionate pot stirrers.

It doesn't happen by osmosis. It happens when you create a culture of greatness, lead with optimism, share a compelling vision, nurture your people, develop their talent, unleash their passion and focus on their engagement. And research shows that when you focus on the engagement of your team you enhance their performance, productivity and results.

So whether you are hot, lukewarm or cold, the great news is that with simple strategies and more focus and energy you can raise the temperature and engagement of your team...and your own career.

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