Thursday, November 27, 2008


Giving thanks;
. . . for the opportunity of life . . .
. . . for the good we can accomplish . . .
. . . for the compassion in our hearts . . .
. . . to stand up for the rights of the unprotected . . .
. . . for the opportunity to learn and use that knowledge for the common good . . .
. . . to love and be loved and share our love with others . . .
. . . to build a better world for our children . . . and our childrens childre . . .
. . . to show we care about something greater than ourselves . . .

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thoughts on Leadership

Leadership is to rare quality that unites people with common cause beyond personal gain.  This quality creates a vision that transcends our individual lives and leads us to a common purpose.   Leadership provides the energy to think and act beyond ourselves and allows us to adopt a purpose that motivates our inner soul to work for the common good. 


Veracious Leadership – Ed Knab

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Setting Expectations

Self-confidence and high expectations are relate as we must be confident in our own abilities and set high expectations for our own personal performance before we can set high expectations for others. In order to do anything special, extraordinary, or exceptional we must first visualize it and set an expectation to achieve; this is the process of individual goal setting. This process; at an individual level, must be the type of accomplishment that requires others for its ultimate accomplishment. Our individual dream then transcends our individual efforts and our goal attracts others like a magnet as an worthwhile effort worthy of investing effort and energy. Others must be able to look at us and see the benefit of demanding excellence in the execution of our goals and desires and as we share that dream these high expectations extend outward to others. Going the extra mile, having high expectations for our own personal performance is foundational to leading and thereby achieving high personal performance in others. Expect Success . . .

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ambitions of the living . . .

Having achieved ambition means knowing and interacting with great people or rather people with great skill sets. To have learned as much as possible and leveraged that knowledge into interpersonal skill sets makes all the difference regarding a life worth living. Tomorrow is truly a new opportunity make the most of it or loose it. Take advantage of all of your tomorrow as we have less left every day.

The application of a new skill or habit should be the goal of eveery day; my father said that the goal of life is to leave the world a better place every day of your life and we should take time to reflect on the profound meaning of this though and how we can manifest it in our daily lives . . .

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Creating our future reality.

We must create a positive mission that is so cystal clear with a path that is grounded in our sense of purpose. Our attitude and world view have as much to do with or ability to generate success as any other personal skill. We must create a strong visual image of our future that is so crystal clear and whose path is self evident or burned into DNA that this become our unquestionable purpose and mission. From that foundation or platform we can develop the plan and strategy to make this our reality. It begins here, it begins now, and will define our impact on this world.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Leading change challenges us to think differently, we must be creative, analyze both design and process and view things from a different perspective. Our ability to think differently provides us with an opportunity to change our world. Realize this change is only limited by our own imagination, we should dream big dreams, set our sights high, and develop a detailed plan to accomplish our goal. Part of this plan is finding the resources that will help us accomplish our goal, in addition to identifying the resources we must be able to entice these mission critical resources to join our cause. The energy we invest is reflective of our level of commitment, there is no time to be timid in pursuit of our dreams. We define ourselves in the moments we decide that nothing in the world can stop us from realizing the dream. never ever give up or settle for lesst that the full accomplishment of your dreams.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Footprints in the sand

Life cannot be something that happens to us but rather it must be our own authentic creation.

It is defined in the individual moments when we act with purpose, when we decide not to tolerate a minor injustice, when we say to ourselves "I am better than this".

We have a single trip, a solo voyage, that will be defined by the footprints we leave behind.

We have but one vehicle for the journey and how we condition our body and mind makes all of the difference. We must feed our body and mind healthy nutrients that stress and challenge us in a manner that causes us to define our lives as purposeful.

We then can leave footprints that others can follow and when they pass our final print we will know our journey created a path of purpose.