Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Leadership Strategies for a Networked World:

Globalization has caused the world to shrink and most of us in one way or another do business with individuals across the globe. Developing a global perspective is an important aspect of building a global network which can be extremely helpful to your personal and career goals.

Recognize that building a global network requires commitment, you must keep the network active by initiating an ongoing dialogue regarding common interest. This dialogue should include people outside your immediate team that can keep you informed, help you develop a global perspective, assist in making decisions and work with you to accomplish goals. Base your network on relationships, and don't become too company centric, add people from other organizations, disciplines and perspectives and don't let your company politics become a topic of discussion. The relationships you build should be career based and extend beyond the focus of your current employer, be recognized for your loyalty and commitment.

When building a global team it's critically important to provide others with your local perspective. Provide information about what's happening in the company as a whole, discuss changes in policy and the impact on the company's performance. Don't be afraid to talk about your organizations business drivers and how your team contributes to the overall success of the company. Ensure that everyone is clear about your team's goals and objectives and how they contribute to the overall success of the organization.

Invest your energy in understanding, it is easy for misunderstandings to occur in a global environment where there is a great deal of cultural diversity. Take accurate notes at meetings and publish meeting minutes that give credit to other team members for their valuable contributions. Get clear about your goals and objectives and publish them in order that everyone both understands and shares these common goals. Take additional time to ensure everyone on the team has a clear understanding of what needs to be accomplished at each meeting.

Use technology effectively, whether it's virtual meetings or recorded conference calls. Provide ample opportunity for all participants to make significant contributions and document the process in a manner that will encourage additional input even after the meeting is over. Ensure that you are accessible based and attempt to schedule meetings at times that are convenient for all the participants.

Building a global team can be extremely rewarding as well as providing valuable perspective to your normal way of thinking. There is great value in listening and understanding different perspectives. What works in your home market may not work in another culture or geography.

If you are interested in developing an effective global network we would recommend reading; Emerging Market Success Factors which will provide you with valuable insight and perspective. If you would like some help implementing global network strategies that can help your company reduce the costs associated with your supply chain environment, contact a Supply Chain Expert. They will help your team streamline operations while building networks that reduce your supply chain risks. The program will be designed to shift your organizations thinking, improve innovation, and implement strategies that will optimize operational performance and satisfy the requirements of your customers.

Dr. Edward F. Knab
Productivity Constructs, Inc
800 660 8718 office
949 413 7333 mobile
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Dr. Knab is an academic practitioner and seasoned supply chain expert whose company, Productivity Constructs, Inc., is focused improving global leadership and thereby creating more effective organizations and higher levels of job satisfaction. Dr. Knab can be contacted for speaking engagements, coaching, or consultation at efk@productivityconstructs.com, ed@ewardknab.com or www.edwardknab.com.

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